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"Threatened Demolition of the Nonviolence Education Center in Al-Twani, South Hebron Hills"
On November 22, a crisis for the very existence of the Al-Twani Nonviolence Education Center was set in motion by an order received from...
“Christmas Village”
In partnership with the Greek Catholic Church of our Lady of Annunciation for the duration of 3 days in the Christmas Village in...
“Olive Harvest Seasonal Activity”
The Palestinian National Movement for Popular Resistance - Taghyeer held its annual seasonal activity of Olive harvest through helping...
More Messengers of Change are Joining!
The Palestinian National Movement for Popular Resistance - Taghyeer, held several meetings for potential Messengers of Change with the...
“Closure of DNA Movement project” in partnership with Forum ZFD
The Palestinian National Movement for Popular Resistance - Taghyeer and in partnership with the German Forum ZFD, conclude the DNA...
“Al-Ras Archaeological Site Restoration” Initiative in Ramallah
Within the innovations of the Messengers of Change, and in cooperation with the Jeeb Municipality and the Jeeb Protection Team, an...
“Traffic Safety” Initiative in Halhul
“Traffic Safety”' is the name of one of the initiatives under the DNA Movement project where The Palestinian National Movement for...
“Activist's Resting Park” Initiative in Susia
Continuing the DNA movement project in partnership with Forum ZFD, The Palestinian National Movement for Popular Resistance - Taghyeer...
"Restoring Caves in Sarura" support for Youth of Sumud
August 2021 keeping our commitment to support the steadfastness of our people in the areas targeted by the occupation and in...
"Khillat Al-Nahla Community" On the Ground Activity
August 2021 The Palestinian national movement of Taghyeer (Change), the Ministry of the Wall and Settlements and in partnership with Holy...
“Gandhi’s Children” Summer Camp in Eizariya
July 28, 2021 Good education is the basis of identity: Taghyeer Movement and in partnership with Roya School, Milad Voskerjian- activist,...
“Seeds of Change” Initiative in Nablus
July 16, 2021 Our children are the seed of change, and the next generation is the crucible of national and educational investment on the...
"Preparing and setting a timetable for implementing initiatives" DNA Movement
June 2021 As a continuation of the "DNA" project, we held another workshop in partnership with ForumZFD. This retreat was conducted in...
"Strategies and Initiatives" DNA Movement workshop
April 2021 As part of the DNA project and in partnership with ForumZFD, Taghyeer movement held another two-day workshop in Jericho under...
Launching "DNA Movement" Project
October 2020 Together with our partner forumZFD, we launched the DNA Movement project through a workshop that took place in Jericho for...
Summer Camp in Jub al Deib
Taghyeer Movement organised a Summer Camp in the village of women-led Jub Al Deib. 70 kids from different communities participated in the...
Taghyeer celebrates International Peace Day in Sarura
Celebrating International Peace Day, Taghyeer Movement held an event in Saroora village, east of the city of Yatta in South Hebron Hills....
Taghyeer and J-Street in Jub al Deib
Taghyeer Movement organized a visit of J Street and five American congress members as well as the representative of the Palestinian...
Plant the Change
After the founding of Tagyheer movement in 2016, Taghyeer team visited different communities throughout the Westbank to introduce the...
A Visit of the Former President of the EU
The Former Vice President of the European Union, Louisa Margantini, joined Taghyeer and Youth of Sumud Forum in an activity of planting...
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